The Luke Alliance occupies a unique place in a critical moment for the church.

Our primary goals are to tell the story of the persecuted church in China, raise awareness among officials of what is happening to its people, and give the global church an unprecedented opportunity as believers to provide hope and relief to a church under immense pressure.

How can the church in America support our brothers and sisters in China as they undergo these trials? By working to restraining evil in the world, sowing goodwill, fulfilling Christ’s call, and the power of advocacy, prayer and financial support, you can make a profound impact on the lives of persecuted Chinese believers.

Restrain Evil in the World

According to Romans 13:3-4 and 1 Peter 2:13, rewarding good and restraining evil are the most basic biblical callings for any nation-state. So then, what if it becomes well known to Christians around the world that a particular nation-state such as China is doing just the opposite: rewarding evil and punishing good? In this case, the Church should advocate for our persecuted brothers and sisters so that diplomatic action is taken to push back evil.

The Luke Alliance grew out of a desire to keep Matthew 25:36 in front of us "I was in prison and you visited me." This call of Christ is hard enough to follow in the U.S. with those in prison, but for our brothers and sisters around the world in the deep throes of godless regimes, the heart of Christ's call is even harder to keep. We can visit prisoners, who are often planters, in hard to reach places through a strong voice of united advocacy.

Sow Goodwill  

The vitriol often directed at mainland China inevitably impacts Chinese people living in the United States. Many East Asians worry that there may be increased incidents of anti-Asian violence if presidential candidates turn to anti-Chinese speech to motivate their support base. 

As followers of Jesus, we can choose not to fuel conversations that bear anti-Chinese rhetoric online and in real life. Ephesians 4:29 charges us not to engage in unwholesome talk but to use our words to encourage others. James 1:26 says that if a person does not keep a tight rein on his tongue, his or her religion is worthless. 

In learning to think Jesus-first, we can muster up the courage to verbally correct misconceptions and reject stereotypes about China and its people during election season. We can grow in loving our Chinese neighbors in America. Rather than engaging in speech that escalates anxiety about China and its people, we can sow goodwill in times of animosity by helping others discover how God is at work through the Chinese diaspora to expand the Gospel within China and around the world. 

Fulfill Christ's Call

When we meet persecuted believers, pastors, and their families in their suffering, we’re fulfilling Matthew 25 and Hebrews 13—visiting and remembering prisoners and those who are mistreated. Our new approach to advocacy is based on remembering people in the midst of their suffering—church planters and pastors like ourselves or those whom we know and love. 

While we glorify God for the ways he is at work to grow his church amid unjust suffering, the persecution of the church in China or anywhere else is a great evil. The Luke Alliance is building a community of Christians, churches, and aligned global nation-states which will come together in advocacy so that through diplomacy, on-the-ground relief might come to the house churches of China. 

The Power of Advocacy

Advocacy speaks up on behalf of brothers and sisters in Christ who face persecution or repression of their freedoms.

Within the Chinese house church network, pastors are routinely called in by police for “tea time” and are warned against preaching the gospel. Many consider it the norm to undergo home surveillance, face unannounced evictions, or lose access to basic utilities without notice.  

But our Chinese brothers and sisters are willing to face these trials because of their love for Jesus Christ. They continue to plant churches, raise up young pastors, and serve their local communities.

When we hear about these injustices facing Christians under China’s repressive government policies, we have an opportunity not just to experience or express anger, but also to increase our love and compassion for the people of China. As we Americans know, living in a country doesn’t automatically mean we are endorsing its leaders. 

As American Christians who do not live in a nation-state where Christians are being persecuted, we are called to advocate for those who suffer for their faith in Jesus. We can become a voice for the voiceless, encouraging our leaders to urge the Chinese government to fulfill their Romans 13 calling to be “God's servant for good” (vv. 4). We can share about their plight in our small groups or sermons at church to help other American believers realize how costly it is to be a Christian in China.

Stand in the Gap with Persecuted Chinese Prisoners Today.

Prayer is a lifeline for persecuted Chinese Christians. While The Luke Alliance advocates for the just treatment of Chinese Christians in Washington and beyond, only God can meet the needs of our friends as they suffer for his name.

Additionally, for every dollar you generously give to The Luke Alliance, 85% goes to advocacy, and 15% goes to relieve the suffering of persecuted Chinese believers and their families. 

Consider making an impact through prayer and financial support today.