What We Do

The Luke Alliance’s support of the persecuted church is similar to what Luke experienced with Paul in the final ten chapters of the book of Acts. While Paul suffers in chains, Luke watches, learns, prays, and then tells the world about what is happening to Paul. In the end, the Gospel goes forth - as one man, Paul, is persecuted, and the other man, Luke, tells the story.

Advocacy tells the story of the persecuted church. We see and hear what is happening. We educate and raise awareness among officials about what is happening regarding persecution, filling a unique void in government. We share stories of incarceration and repression, as well as the hope and endurance of a church under immense pressure. We help others learn about the impacts of persecution and call them to meaningful prayer and action. The goal for people at all levels of life is to be able to take part in restraining evil in the world.


Notable Milestones Past and Present

  • December 9, 2018 - the congregation of Early Rain Covenant Church (ERCC) was raided by local and national police. The Senior Pastor of ERCC, Wang Yi, was arrested along with his wife, Jiang Rong.

  • December 18, 2018 - While sharing news of the persecution of ERCC on Capitol Hill, Corey received a message from the White House expressing interest in hearing more information about Wang Yi, Jiang Rong, and ERCC. This is the day the Luke Alliance informally began.

  • April 2019 - Jiang Rong (wife of Wang Yi) was released from prison and her charges were dropped.

  • July 2023 - The China Select Committee on the Chinese Communist Party invites Corey to speak at a roundtable event at the US Capitol to highlight the unjust imprisonment of Wang Yi.

  • August 2023 - Senator Thom Tillis (NC) adopts Wang Yi as a Prisoner of Conscience after 26 PCA elders in NC co-sign a letter asking him to do so.

  • November 2023 - The China Executive Congressional Commission (CECC), in collaboration with our team, sends a letter to President Biden requesting that he mention Wang Yi in bi-lateral conversations with Chinese counterparts.

  • December 2023 - The State Department invites Corey to Prague where he presented about Wang Yi and the persecuted Chinese church in two high-level side events leading to greater multilateral alignment around advocacy for Wang Yi.

  • December 2023 - Corey is invited to be a guest speaker via zoom at ERCC’s 5th anniversary of the crackdown on their church by police.

  • January 2024 - The Luke Alliance partners with Early Rain Ministries Inc to become the official advocacy arm of their US-based non-profit.

  • January 2024 - Rana gives testimony before lawmakers on three separate occasions on Capitol Hill where she highlights human rights injustices being perpetrated on religious minorities in China.

  • January 2024 - Corey visits the State Department to provide an update on Wang Yi and other matters related to the persecuted Chinese Church.

  • February 2024 - The Luke Alliance is invited to attend the National Prayer Breakfast in Washington. Corey also attends the annual US Summit on International Religious Freedom.

  • September 2024 - Our team has been asked by Christian Solidarity Worldwide to cohost a side event at the UN General Assembly in Geneva. This event will highlight the persecution the church in China is facing under Xi’s growing authoritarianism. Corey will speak at this side event.