Advocacy | Diplomacy | Relief

The Luke Alliance advocates for the just treatment of imprisoned and persecuted Chinese Christians.


How should the church serve imprisoned and persecuted Christians?


Stand In Prayer

We believe that we’re called, as Luke was, to pray for persecuted believers and tell their stories.

Wherever the image of God is persecuted, we pray for their vindication and the relief of injustice.


Grow In Awareness

On December 9, 2018, the congregation of Early Rain Covenant Church (ERCC) was raided by local and national police. 300 members were arrested including all of their elders and church staff. The Senior Pastor of ERCC, Wang Yi, was arrested along with his wife, Jiang Rong.


Become an Ally

The Luke Alliance is committed to standing in the gap with the persecuted church, telling their stories through advocacy and diplomacy, so they might find relief.

Your donation of time, prayer, and funds has a long-lasting impact on the kingdom of God.

Will you support the Luke Alliance? 
